“My Name is James Connolly, I Didn’t Come Here to Die”




Next Thursday is the centenary of the death of the great Irish revolutionary, James Connolly.  Artist-activist Tom Keough wrote and illustrated a wonderful graphic remembrance of his life, A Full Life: James Connolly, the Irish Rebel that you can read more about here. I had the pleasure of interviewing Tom for radio station WBAI, and Tom’s wide-ranging knowledge about Connolly and the history of socialism made for a fascinating talk.

You can hear the interview by clicking on the grey triangle above, and you may purchase the book here.

2 thoughts on ““My Name is James Connolly, I Didn’t Come Here to Die”

  1. Thanks, Marilyn. There was so much about Connolly that Tom talked about that unfortunately, because of time, was left out. Connolly was an internationalist, feminist, republican, socialist, and revolutionary at a time when those terms were not necessarily synonymous. This formally uneducated Scottish born man who left school at age 10, was later in life writing about the socialist movement in India! I find that extraordinary.

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