Unshackled: Women Speak Out on Mass Incarceration and Reproductive Justice


“Unshackled” refers to the fight against the practice of shackling that is daily policy in New York prisons: that of shackling pregnant incarcerated women. The women are shackled when they go to doctor’s appointments, the women are shackled while in labor, the women are shackled even after emergency Cesareans. There is a guard in the delivery room even as they are giving birth. This is happening now, in 2014.

The Correctional Association of New York, an excellent prisoner advocacy group (see their website here)  put together an event about the issue which I covered for an arts magazine-type radio show called Arts Express with host Prairie Miller on listener-sponsored WBAI 99.5 FM and WBAI.org on the Internet.

The CA’s event consisted of artists and formerly incarcerated women who sung and spoke about their experiences. Toshi Reagon and Morley were kind enough to lend their tremendous talents to the very powerful program.

You can listen and download the piece here: Unshackled

I think you will find it very moving. If you’d like to take further action, or simply find out more information, I urge you to click on the link for the Correctional Association.

1 thought on “Unshackled: Women Speak Out on Mass Incarceration and Reproductive Justice

  1. Pingback: Morley: “Make a Mess then Find a Way to Make it Beautiful” | Jack Shalom

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