He’s So Fine = My Sweet Lord? Plagiarism?

Monday morning, The Chiffons with “He’s So Fine” The 1963 song was the center of an infamous plagiarism case: George Harrison was accused of stealing the melody of “He’s So Fine” for his 1971 song “My Sweet Lord.” To find out how the case turned out click here.

“Doo-lang, doo-lang, doo-lang.” How would you judge the case?

Thanks to YouTuber OldiesUploadz

King Lear: Apocalypse Now


This week, it’s 460 years since the birth of Shakespeare, and since we are living in what can only be termed apocalyptic times, it might be fitting to take a look at the most apocalyptic of Shakespeare’s plays, King Lear. Let’s call this episode of my continuing series,“Shakespeare Without Tears,” King Lear: Apocalypse Now.

Click on the triangle or mp3 link above to hear my commentary as broadcast today on WBAI-FM and Pacifica stations across the nation.