A Matter Of Perspective


(Click to enlarge)

And from a slightly shifted position, a few steps to the left (note the shadow as well):

“Doble Creu” by Carles Berga

Castell de Montjuic

Barcelona, Spain

See this video for more perspectives:


More at Carles Berga

6 thoughts on “A Matter Of Perspective

  1. Interesting piece of art which I have not seen when visiting Barcelona some years ago. For me being a secular person, I really appreciate the more abstract and imaginary perspective. Thanks for sharing this.

    • We kind of stumbled over it. We were visiting the Montjuic castle area on the edge of Barcelona without a guide, and hidden in the main courtyard in one of the many rooms under the many arches is this intriguing piece. It wasn’t identified at all, but I managed to find it through a Google search, and then found out the name of the artist, Carles Berga. Berga has a webpage, and on it is the YouTube video you see above which shows how the piece was constructed.

  2. Steven Carlson – Minneapolis, MN – Steven Carlson is a professional magician, artist and illustrator based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He has been an artist a magician, and a martial artist all of his life. Steven is constantly striving to perfect his skills in both performance art and visual art... he has retired from the martial arts. Steven loves animals and nature and rescues Greyhounds.
    Steven Carlson on said:

    A wonderful piece, very thought provoking!

    In design it has the feel of Jerry Andrus’ Impossible Box Illusion.

  3. Bumba – Los Angeles – Shown on a recent visit to the Big Apple, Bumba has written two literary novels and has recorded two CD soundtrack albums to accompany them. Check it out on Bumba Books.
    Bumba on said:

    I’m still stuck on plane, or plain?, geometry. The third dimension sure makes for some interesting forms.

    • My spatial visualization has always been awful. I had no idea what the sculpture actually looked like until I saw the video–even though I saw it in person!

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