Mr. Science: Bob & Ray


The great Bob & Ray, with one of their classic bits, Mr. Science. It was a merciless parody of a popular educational television show of the 1950s that viewers of a certain age may remember, Watch Mr. Wizard with Don Herbert. Mayhem, as the saying goes, ensues.

Click on the video to play.

Thanks to YouTuber  danieljbmitchell

Slow . . . Talkers . . . Of . . . America: Bob and Ray

Bob (Elliott) and Ray (Goulding) were wizards of understated humor. They expanded into television and theater, but the genesis of their humor was always a media critique of the banality of radio, a medium that they knew better than just about anybody else. The two of them created a whole gallery of beloved characters.  Their performances and scripts still hold up, more than half a century later.