Viv And Bev At The Border





Vivienne and Beverly Shalom are two artist-activists who, I’m also proud to say, are my sisters. I got to sit down and talk with Viv about the weeks the two of them spent together at the Arizona/Mexico border working with various sanctuary groups. In this interview, which was broadcast on the Arts Express program on WBAI radio in NYC, Viv talks about the migrant families she met, the art projects she did with their children, going into the desert to leave water for migrants, the Scott Warren Trial, and how the experience affected her.

You can listen to the interview by clicking on the triangle above.

The song in the intro and outro is “El Hielo” by La Santa Cecilia. You can learn more about it here.


2 thoughts on “Viv And Bev At The Border

  1. my god. a WHOLE family of trouble-makers..
    your poor parents.
    i’ll bet they are……..
    ..proud. (😊)

    A nice interview Jack. Thanks.

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