4 thoughts on “Allowable Words

  1. Guten Morgen Jack.
    THAT is an interesting Sign(!).

    If you put a period, after ‘more’,
    which is how I read it first,
    ….you get: ‘War bonds’. 🤔

    Then reading: ‘Buy more.’
    It is a funny one.

    So,…’War bonds.’ and ‘Love hurts.’….
    Life’s still,…good. 🙃

    Ha! We could put the oeriod after ‘War’ (!). 😄
    ‘Buy more War.’ ….

    🎶 Sunday morning,..coming down. 🎶

    Wish you well Jack,
    Thanks. ✌️
    …i not going to shave…..ALL WEEK!

    • Hi Dennis–how are you doing over there in Germany with the virus? Are you having to shelter in place? Are you still able to perform on the streets? I just looked in the mirror today at my hair and it’s not a pretty sight.

  2. Jack, good evening.
    Actually, we are doing pretty fine.
    Life HAS slowed down, over here.
    We are NOT ‘playing’.
    We’re not ‘forbidden’,..but folks are/were scared to go out-of-doors. (🤔)

    Springtime, however,… ❤️ 💓 ❤️
    ‘Courage’ is rising….😌 (😍)

    As the U.S. has their ‘funny’ Constitutional Amendment,
    about Weapons;
    the Germans have one about ‘Freedom of Movement’. (!).
    Germans, according to their ‘Bill of Rights’,
    cannot have their movement denied or restricted(!),
    within any ‘German Land’. 🙂
    …for any reason. 🙃

    Therefore, there ARE ‘recomendations’,
    but NO restrictions! 👍
    The Germans ARE an extremely ‘socially conscious (herd?) group’,
    ,…they’re staying inside.
    ,..following the ‘advice’.

    nature IS calling!

    [We hope to be playing again, by the end of May.]

    In the moment, we’re enjoying,..
    not feeling guilty(!),
    about NOT playing! 🤗
    Life’s good! 💋
    I wish you and ‘yours’ a pleasent evening Jack.
    Bis Morgen,
    guten Nacht.

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