Rainy Days And Mondays


In 1972, while visiting California, a friend of a friend got me into an A&M recording session. The singer in the studio was Paul Williams who was primarily known at the time as a songwriter for other singers, notably The Carpenters. They had just had a big hit with one of his songs, so Williams decided to record an album of his own version of his songs. This was the song he was working on the day I visited. It’s a perfect Monday song.

Thanks to YouTuber  marvin santiago

“Telling The Truth Can Be Dangerous Business”


Yes, it’s the song from the much-maligned film, Ishtar, starring Warren Beatty and Dustin Hoffman as two hapless singer-songwriters who, in the Hope-Crosby style, find themselves soon on the Road to Morocco. The believably bad songs were written by songwriter Paul Williams. In this opening credits scene, the duo are struggling earnestly to come up with a hit song.

In a just world, one day Ishtar would get the respect it deserves as a very funny movie.

Thanks to Youtuber Chris Hecker