“We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Badges”





In a world gone crazy, we might need to put the entire planet on the couch. Bruce Levine, a practicing clinical psychologist often at odds with the mainstream of his profession, argues in his newest book, Resisting Illegitimate Authority: A Thinking Person’s Guide to Being an Anti-Authoritarian, for the essential value of anti-authoritarians in a democracy, and questions their treatment by the medical establishment. He also dishes a few pro-tips on how resisters can survive the slings and arrows of an authoritarian society.

You can listen to my interview with Bruce Levine as broadcast this week on the Arts Express radio program on WBAI 99.5 FM NYC, by clicking on the grey triangle above.

Miracle Worker

Dani DaOrtiz is a miracle worker first class. Even if you don’t speak any Spanish you’ll be able to follow most of the video above. His emphasis on the psychology of the spectator makes you feel, oh, right, that stuff isn’t just for the magic textbooks, it’s real and practical. It’s one of the real secrets, and when someone like Dani tells you that, you better believe him, because there are miracles happening in front of your eyes. Dani uses methods that most magicians never even consider. Dani’s technique, perhaps more than any other major close-up magician today, relies not only on sleight of hand, but the personality of the spectator and the magician, and the quality of the communication between them.

Dani’s magic looks like improvisation and jazzing, but his shows are planned. He does, however, constantly adjust to the spectator and fortuitous circumstances. This makes it extremely difficult to backtrack the method for his tricks.  He is part of the Spanish school of magic as exemplified by Juan Tamariz; these magicians’ love and passion for magic is so infectious that the audience’s hearts are totally engaged by the performers’ warmth and sincerity. The magicians study human nature and communication as much as they do sleight of hand technique. The result is a brand of magic that is very emotionally involving–emotion generated by something as silly as a card trick.

If a magician does an Elmsley Count in the forest is it still magic?