“Why, I Can Smile, And Murder Whiles I Smile”


John Barrymore chewing up the scenery in this no-holds-barred performance as the crook-back’d Richard, Duke of Gloucester, on the eve of gaining the Crown as Richard III.

This is from Henry VI, the prequel to Richard III, which details Gloucester’s rise.

Thanks to YouTuber erfv102012


And don’t forget to enter the Fourth Annual Shalom Blog Magic Contest. It’s fun and easy with great prizes. Read the details here:

Deadline coming up, now’s a good time to enter.

Al Pacino On Acting For The Stage and Screen

AARP's 2nd Annual Movies For Grownups Film Showcase - "The Humbling"




Al Pacino is one of only a handful of Hollywood actors who have regularly gone back to their roots in the theater.  At a recent press screening of his re-released films, Salome and Wilde Salome, he held forth on, among other things, the differences between acting in film and acting in the theater. Even at age 77, Pacino is a funny, enlightening, and honest speaker.

You can listen to his talk, as broadcast yesterday on the radio segment I prepared for the WBAI Arts Express radio program, by clicking on the grey triangle above.