“Stop Saying If”: Sarah Cooper

Comedian Sarah Cooper’s been getting a lot of attention recently for her mesmerizing lip-synchs of Donald Trump. But she’s also a gifted stand-up comedian, as witness this recent smart and hilarious five minute set.

Warning: language Not Suitable For Work

More at Sarah Cooper

“That Joke is Dumb–I’m Aware Of That”

When I watch videos of Mitch Hedberg I’m amazed. His appearances are always precarious—you sort of know that he would never succeed at anything else, and you feel like there’s no way this guy is going to make it through the set, but somehow he does. He’s like a clueless guy from the audience who grabs a flaming torch from the circus fire-eater and manages not to get burned. But I am grateful that he did, because his off-kilter humor really makes me laugh.

Thanks to YouTuber 0Bathgate66

Procedural Matters: Jim Gaffigan


I once heard someone describe Shakespeare’s lead actor, Richard Burbage, as the powerful impetus for Will’s complex characters. “Okay, Richard, you think you did well acting the jealous Moorish general, and the evil humpbacked King, and the young moon-y swashbuckler Prince?  Well how about a senile old King who goes insane in the middle of a thunderstorm? Take that!”

While not Shakespeare, I think the very funny Jim Gaffigan  must constantly challenge himself to come up with comedy about the most unlikely comedic subjects: horses, brain surgery, hiking, glasses. In this clip, he talks about… his colonoscopy. No, it’s hilarious.

Thanks to YouTuber Comedy Central Stand-Up

The Driving Instructor

The classic Bob Newhart piece done live, some 50 years after the release of his record The Button-Down Mind of Bob Newhart, which first contained the routine. Sorry for the abrupt ending, but at least it’s all there. Newhart’s timing is as impeccable as ever.

Thanks to YouTuber B. V. Dahlen